Project Timelines and Details of the Process
We’re excited to work with you and we appreciate your business! Before we begin, here’s a reminder of the seven things we’ll need to complete your project, as well as when we’ll need them:
Before we template, order, or secure your stone:
1 ) Signed quote and 75% deposit paid in cash, check, or credit card (There is a 3% processing fee for all credit and debit cards).
Before we start fabrication:
2) Template or finalized drawing.
3) All stone picked out, ordered, and at Zimmer Marble.
4) All sinks at Zimmer Marble.
5) All faucets at Zimmer Marble.
6) Your design finalized and confirmed.
Before delivery or install:
7) The remaining balance at least (2) business days BEFORE delivery, or install paid in cash, check, or credit card. (There is a 3% processing fee for all credit and debit cards). If you are a builder, contractor, or dealer please refer to your established payment terms with Zimmer Marble.

Template dates can typically be scheduled within 4 - 7 business days of receiving the signed quote and deposit.
Install dates can typically be scheduled within 10 - 15 business days of items 3-6 being completed.
We need items 1-6 for your project at least 10 business days prior to pickup, delivery, or installation in order to meet the target completion date. Completion dates are subject to change, especially if we do not have these items in time.
Remaining balances are typically paid at template, or within a few days of the template. Just make sure your balance is paid (2) business days BEFORE delivery or install. We cannot deliver or install your job until we have full payment, and will have to reschedule based on our current workflow.
Each project is unique, and our schedule is dynamic. These time estimates are for guideline purposes only. Be sure to discuss the specific requirements for your job, and communicate beforehand if there are any hard deadlines we need to be aware of.
Template Day Preparation:
If you have new cabinets:
Your cabinets must be fully installed (drawers and end panels included) before we come to make a template. All appliances must be on site so that we can verify their dimensions. Do not install large appliances that are contiguous with the countertops (e.g., ranges, some refrigerators, etc.). Please have these larger items set aside and clearly out of the way. If these preparations are not made, the template may not accurately represent your counter space. If your cabinets or appliances are not level or are out of alignment, please correct this before we template. Our template machine does not check for plumbness or levelness of any surface. If you plan on having a farm sink, you must have it installed before we template.
If you have existing countertops:
Have your counters cleared of any items before we arrive. To ensure the best possible fit, remove any backsplash and/or tile before we arrive. This will allow us to template all the way to the wall. Failure to remove any backsplash and/or tile may result in a gap along the wall in excess of ¾”. A gap of anywhere from ⅛” to ½” is standard (and in some cases necessary to fit pieces in place), and can be covered with tile. Anything larger may not be covered, depending on the type of backsplash you plan on using. If you are using a farm sink, it must be installed before we template. We won’t be able to perfectly gauge the status of your cabinets until your existing countertops are removed. Please check after you remove them to make sure they are level, structurally sound, and well aligned. If they are not, notify us immediately and correct this before installation. Our template machine does not check for plumbness or levelness of any surface. We may need to schedule an additional visit to confirm readiness. All scheduling will be based on our current workflow.
If you are not planning on using one of our sinks or a farm sink, please have your sink and faucet available for pick-up on the date of the template. We may not need to take them with us, but we will need to check them.
An authorized party must be present during template to sign off on the final design and dimensions. If no one is present, your consent is implied.
Install Day Preparation:
Have your current countertops removed before the installation date (unless we are performing a tear-out for you). If we are doing a countertop removal, please have your sink/faucet plumbing disconnected, as well as any gas lines to a drop-in cooktop. Please also have your existing counters cleared of any items before we remove them. Make sure all large appliances (stoves, refrigerators, etc.) are moved out of the way so that we have clear, unobstructed access to the counter/cabinet space.
The more level your cabinets are, the lower the likelihood for complications to arise during install. Cabinets requiring realignment, reinforcement, or modification should be fixed before we arrive and may require additional visits to confirm. We will install your sink(s) with your countertops, but we are not licensed to connect the plumbing, so schedule reconnection with your plumber in advance. We may have to perform drilling or cutting on-site, and this may create dust in the area. We will take precautions to protect and clean the area, but just in case, you may want to cover items in drawers with plastic.
If we arrive and cannot perform a template or installation because these preparations have not been made or because your cabinets are not well prepared for the template or stone, we may have to leave and re-schedule the template/install appointment based on our current workflow. In this event, you will be subject to additional charges.